18 April 2009


Housesitting.......the ultimate hang time. You do nothing, stay up late, take care of the dogs whenever they need it, which isn't very often, wait for people to show up on a forum just because you want them to, watch nothing on tv, eat ice cream and donuts and milk; all while you're supposed to be on your way to a warm, cumfy bed in someone elses house.............and you get payed...........good stuff.

I was just wondering....actually wishing that someone would reply to a post everyonce in a while so that I could reply back, you get the picture. I guess that's what pm-ing is for. Whatever. My like 6th youngest cousin on my mom's side just turned 13 today. That was a fun moment for him. lol. It's just starting for him. *chuckles*

Long day.

Have a great day 'r night everyone!!!


Working...my cousin that was at my house for a day and a half left about an hour ago....nothing other than that. I'd be roleplaying if there was anyone else logged in at the forum, but there isn't so I'm just bouncing from one thing to another. Good stuff.

Have great day everyone!!!!!