24 February 2009

more of my bad art.

This one isn't done...........obviously but I thought I'd upload it anyway so you viewers can compare them when I get the finished product up. Not much, but at least it's something.

Have a great day everyone.


It's Tuesday afternoon. Nothing special about that I guess. Long day....so far. Maybe I'll be able to go play hockey tonight and get all my built up energy worked out. I was supposed to go on my first cross-country flight today and it got canceled due to wind turbulance. For anyone who doesn't know, a cross-country is a flight that is longer distance wise than normal. I think it has to be over 100 miles round trip or something like that. Anyway, a lot of planning and weather checking and phone calls and paperwork and time goes into one and when it gets cancelled after all that it's a little frusterating. I might be going out tomorrow but that's questionable too, and it won't be a cross-country either way.

So....yeah. It's really cold here....and windy...really, really windy. But I dont' mind so it's ok. *sigh* At least its not snowing on top of that like it was yesterday. I could hardly see 15 ft. in front of me. Puts a little excitement into going to the barn and back. Right now you're probably going " how boring", right? Yeah, I know it doesn't sound that exciting, but when you have an imagination like mine, such things are wonderful.